Essential Photovoice Spring 2024
For 4 weeks in October, a group of 5 folks met and participated in a series of facilitated conversations about community using the Essential Photovoice (EPV) dialogue format. EPV is a recent pilot project of TH’s longtime dialogue consultant and friend Essential Partners in collaboration with Interfaith Photovoice (see below). The concept is simple: take photos responding to prompts each week, then come together to share and ask each other questions about the photos.
We had different sharing prompts each week:
Session 1: A picture to help people understand something about you, and a picture that would help people understand something about your community.
Session 2: How and where is your community growing and flourishing?
Session 3: What are your community’s deepest challenges?
Session 4: What has been done to address your community’s challenge(s)? What could be done to address your community’s challenges?